6. Week 06 - Oracles


These is a written version of Lecture #6.

In this lecture we learn about oracles and using the PAB (Plutus Application Backend).

These notes use Plutus commit 476409eaee94141e2fe076a7821fc2fcdec5dfcb

6.1. Overview

In this lecture we are going to look at a case study, to see how what we have learned so far can be turned into an actual application. A collection of executables that even come with a little front end.

It will be a real dApp, apart from the fact that we don’t have a real blockchain available yet. This will run on a simulated blockchain - a mockchain.

The example we are going to use for this is to implement a very simple oracle.


In the blockchain world, an oracle is a way to get real-world information onto the blockchain, in order to make it usable in smart contracts.

There are numerous examples of use cases for oracles. We can think of external data sources such as weather data, election results, stock exchange data or randomness. You may have a betting contract that depends on the outcome of a specific sports game, for example.

There are various ways to implement oracles, of varying sophistication.

We are going to use a very simple approach, where we have one trusted data provider. And, as an example of data, we are going to use the ADA/USD exchange rate.

There are lots of problems with this approach, as we have to trust the data source. There are ways to mitigate the risk that the data source is either untrustworthy or unreliable. For example, we could ask the provider to put down some collateral that is lost if data is not provided or is inaccurate. Or, you could combine several oracles into one and only accept the result if they all agree, or take the median, or average value of various sources. You could also come up with more sophisticated mechanisms.

As we know, for anything to happen on the blockchain, there must be a UTxO, so the obvious thing to do is to represent the data feed as a UTxO. The UTxO sits at the script address of the oracle, and its datum field it carries the current value of the oracle data.


And this is where we find our first problem. As we have noted before, validation only happens when you want to consume something from a script address, not when you produce an output at a script address. This means that we can’t prevent anybody producing arbitrary outputs at the script address.


Somehow we need to distinguish the true oracle output from other outputs that may be sitting at the same script address. And the way we do this is to put an NFT on the output. Because an NFT can only exist once, there can only be one UTxO at the script address that holds the NFT.


How can such an oracle be used?

Here we come to something we haven’t seen before. In all our code writing validators and contracts, we always knew the full API up front. In the case of an oracle, this is different. At the point that an oracle is created, you don’t know how people may want to use it. It must be like an open API, able to work with smart contracts that have not yet been designed.

As an example of a use-case that might make use of this specific oracle, let’s consider a swap contract where, at the swap address, somebody can deposit ADA, and then somebody else can take those ADA in exchange for USD.


Of course, we don’t have USD directly on the blockchain, but we can imagine that they are represented by some native token.

In this example, as the value at the oracle is 1.75, then if someone offers 100 ADA, the price for that should be 175 USD.

In addition to this, we need an incentive for the oracle to provide the data, because in additional to other costs for providing the data, at a minimum they would have to pay fees to create the UTxO.

So, let’s say that the oracle provider determines a fee of 1 ADA that has to be paid each time the oracle is used.

In this example, that would mean that the person wanting to by the ADA would have to pay 175 USD to the seller of the ADA, and 1 ADA to the oracle.

What will the transaction look like?


First of all, the swap validation logic will need access to the current oracle value, which means that the oracle UTxO must be an input to the transaction.

Then we have the oracle validation logic. In this case we want to use the oracle. So, let’s say we have a redeemer called use. Now, the oracle validator has to check several things.

  1. Is the NFT present in the consumed input?

  2. Is there an output from the transaction at the same address containing the same NFT?

  3. Is the value in the output UTxO the same as the input value?

  4. Is the fee present?

Now we can complete the transaction.

We consume two additional inputs - the fee paid by the buyer and the 100 ADA deposited by the seller. Then we have two additional outputs - the 175 USD to the seller, and the 100 ADA to the buyer. And for these new inputs and outputs, it is the responsibility of the swap validator to make sure that it is correct. Whereas, the oracle validator is only interested with making sure that everything concerning the oracle is correct.


Just to emphasize, this swap contract is just an example. The oracle should be capable of working with many different smart contracts that want to make use of its data.

If this was all, then we wouldn’t need an oracle. If the value was fixed, so that it was always 1.75 then we could simply hard-code this into our contract. So, the value must be able to change. At least, in an example such as this one where we have an exchange rate that can, of course, change over time. There may be other examples such as the result of a sports match, where it is a singular event in history, but in this case, it is important that it be able to change.

This means that the oracle validator, in addition to the use redeemer, must be able to support another operation where the provider of the oracle can actually change the data.

So let’s say the the value changes from 1.75 to 1.77.

We know that on a (E)UTxO blockchain, nothing ever changes, so you can’t change the datum of an existing UTxO. All you can do is consume UTxOs and produce new ones.

We would have a transaction that uses an update redeemer. The validation logic is somewhat different. It is the same as before in that the NFT needs to be present in the consumed oracle input, and also needs to be present in the new output. In addition to that, the transaction must be signed by the oracle provider. And, we can use this update transaction as an opportunity for the oracle provider to collect the fees.

We insist that the NFT be present in the output, but we don’t say anything about other values. All the fees that got there by other transactions using this oracle data can be collected during the update transaction.


6.1.1. Summary

To sum up, we represent the oracle by a UTxO and identify the correct UTxO with an NFT. The oracle value is the datum of the UTxO. We support two operations.

One is use which uses the oracle in some arbitrary transaction. The use validator will make sure that the consumed oracle input carries the NFT, that there is an output that again carries the NFT, doesn’t change the datum, and carries additional fees.

The second operation is update which can only be done by the oracle provider. For an update transaction, the oracle input must again carry the NFT, there must be an oracle output, also carrying the NFT. There are no further restrictions. The datum can change, and the accumulated fees can be taken out.

6.2. Oracle Core

Now that we know how it is supposed to work, let’s look at some code.

6.2.1. On-chain

First, let’s look at the Plutus code that implements the oracle itself.

module Week06.Oracle.Core

The oracle will be a parameterized contract, and it will depend on four fields.

data Oracle = Oracle
    { oSymbol   :: !CurrencySymbol
    , oOperator :: !PubKeyHash
    , oFee      :: !Integer
    , oAsset    :: !AssetClass
    } deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Prelude.Eq, Prelude.Ord)
  • oSymbol is the currencySymbol of the NFT that is used to identify the transaction. We don’t need the token name as we will just use the empty string as the token name.

  • oOperator is the owner of the oracle - the hash of the public key owner which can make updates

  • oFee is the fee in lovelace that is due every time the oracle is used

  • oAsset represents the asset class that we want to exchange rate for against Ada, which in our case will be some kind of USD token

The redeemer will support two operations.

data OracleRedeemer = Update | Use
    deriving Show

PlutusTx.unstableMakeIsData ''OracleRedeemer

We need to define the NFT asset class. As mentioned, we are going to use the empty string for the token name.

{-# INLINABLE oracleTokenName #-}
oracleTokenName :: TokenName
oracleTokenName = TokenName emptyByteString

The oracleAsset will be used to identify the NFT - this is not to be confused with oAsset, defined above.

{-# INLINABLE oracleAsset #-}
oracleAsset :: Oracle -> AssetClass
oracleAsset oracle = AssetClass (oSymbol oracle, oracleTokenName)

We create a little helper function called oracleValue. This takes an output transaction and a function which looks up the datum, and then returns an Integer. The Integer represents the exchange rate (e.g. 1.75) multiplied by a million. This avoids potential complications when using real numbers.

{-# INLINABLE oracleValue #-}
oracleValue :: TxOut -> (DatumHash -> Maybe Datum) -> Maybe Integer
oracleValue o f = do
    dh      <- txOutDatum o
    Datum d <- f dh
    PlutusTx.fromData d

This function is an example of monadic computation in monad that is not IO or the Contract monad. First we call txOutDatum, which can fail if because not every output has a datum. If it succeeds, we get a datum hash which we can reference in dh. Next we used the function f which is provided as the second argument to maybe turn this datum hash into a datum. This too can fail. If it succeeds we can reference the result in d. Datum is just a newtype wrapper around Data, so we can then use PlutusTx.fromData to maybe turn d into an Integer. Again, this can fail, because even if the datum is there, it may not be convertible to an integer value.

We will see in a moment where we use the oracleValue function.

The most important function is mkOracleValidator.

{-# INLINABLE mkOracleValidator #-}
mkOracleValidator :: Oracle -> Integer -> OracleRedeemer -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkOracleValidator oracle x r ctx =
    traceIfFalse "token missing from input"  inputHasToken  &&
    traceIfFalse "token missing from output" outputHasToken &&
    case r of
        Update -> traceIfFalse "operator signature missing" (txSignedBy info $ oOperator oracle) &&
                  traceIfFalse "invalid output datum"       validOutputDatum
        Use    -> traceIfFalse "oracle value changed"       (outputDatum == Just x)              &&
                  traceIfFalse "fees not paid"              feesPaid
    info :: TxInfo
    info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx

    ownInput :: TxOut
    ownInput = case findOwnInput ctx of
        Nothing -> traceError "oracle input missing"
        Just i  -> txInInfoResolved i

    inputHasToken :: Bool
    inputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownInput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

    ownOutput :: TxOut
    ownOutput = case getContinuingOutputs ctx of
        [o] -> o
        _   -> traceError "expected exactly one oracle output"

    outputHasToken :: Bool
    outputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownOutput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

    outputDatum :: Maybe Integer
    outputDatum = oracleValue ownOutput (`findDatum` info)

    validOutputDatum :: Bool
    validOutputDatum = isJust outputDatum

    feesPaid :: Bool
    feesPaid =
        inVal  = txOutValue ownInput
        outVal = txOutValue ownOutput
        outVal `geq` (inVal <> Ada.lovelaceValueOf (oFee oracle))

The function mkOracleValidator takes our parameter Oracle, the datum, which, in this example is an Integer, the redeemer type OracleRedeemer and finally the ScriptContext.

There are two cases for this validator - use and update - but there are similarities. In both cases we want to check that we have the input that holds the NFT and that there is an output that holds the NFT.

As both these checks need to be done regardless of the use case, they are done upfront.

traceIfFalse "token missing from input"  inputHasToken  &&
traceIfFalse "token missing from output" outputHasToken &&

After this, we consider which use case we are dealing with.

case r of
    Update -> traceIfFalse "operator signature missing" (txSignedBy info $ oOperator oracle) &&
              traceIfFalse "invalid output datum"       validOutputDatum
    Use    -> traceIfFalse "oracle value changed"       (outputDatum == Just x)              &&
              traceIfFalse "fees not paid"              feesPaid

Before looking at the inputHasToken function there is another help function to look at.

ownInput :: TxOut
ownInput = case findOwnInput ctx of
    Nothing -> traceError "oracle input missing"
    Just i  -> txInInfoResolved i

The ownInput function returns the TxOut that the script is trying to consume, which in this case is the oracle output. The Nothing case here can happen if we are in a different context, such as a minting context, so this eventuality will not occur for us. The findOwnInput function is provided by Plutus and will, given the context, find the relevant input. The txInInfoResolved function gets the TxOut from the TxInInfo.

The inputHashToken function checks that the token is present. It uses the assetClassValueOf function to look for the NFT within the ownInput response.

inputHasToken :: Bool
inputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownInput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

The next helper function, ownOutput checks that we have exactly one output and returns that output to us.

ownOutput :: TxOut
ownOutput = case getContinuingOutputs ctx of
    [o] -> o
    _   -> traceError "expected exactly one oracle output"

We can use this for the outputHasToken helper function in the same way as we did for the inputHashToken function.

outputHasToken :: Bool
outputHasToken = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue ownOutput) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

That covers the code for the common cases. Now, let’s let at the code specific to the update case.

There are two conditions to check. The first is that the operator actually signed the transaction. This is so simple that we can do it inline without a helper function.

traceIfFalse "operator signature missing" (txSignedBy info $ oOperator oracle)

The next thing to check is that the output datum. We know that the value can change, but we need to check that it is at least of the correct type.

traceIfFalse "invalid output datum" validOutputDatum

And for this we have referenced a new helper function validOutputDatum, which itself makes use of a helper function outputDatum.

outputDatum :: Maybe Integer
outputDatum = oracleValue ownOutput (`findDatum` info)

validOutputDatum :: Bool
validOutputDatum = isJust outputDatum


If you look up findDatum in the REPL, you will see it has a type of DatumHash -> TxInfo -> Maybe Datum. As we are using its infix notation here, we can pass in info as the only parameter, and this will result in the whole expression having the type DatumHash -> Maybe Datum, which is the type we need to pass into oracleValue.

This works by trying to get the datum value from the datum hash and then trying to create the oracle value from it. If it succeeds it will return a Just Integer, otherwise it will return Nothing, so the validOutputDatum function just needs to check that the return value is not Nothing, in other words, that it is a Just.

Note that we are not checking anything about the value of the Integer. This could even remain the same as the input value, if the transaction is used just to collect the fees that have accumulated from the use the oracle.

The second case for mkOracleValidator is the use case. This case can be used by anyone, but it is much more restrictive.

First, we don’t allow the value to change. So this is the first condition.

traceIfFalse "oracle value changed" (outputDatum == Just x)

We have already written the outputDatum helper function. Instead of checking only that it is an Integer, here we also check that its output value is the same as the input value.

And finally, we must check that the fees have been paid. And for this we use a new helper function called feesPaid.

feesPaid :: Bool
feesPaid =
    inVal  = txOutValue ownInput
    outVal = txOutValue ownOutput
    outVal `geq` (inVal <> Ada.lovelaceValueOf (oFee oracle))

This feesPaid function checks that the output value is at least as much as the input value plus the required fee. We again use the semigroup operator <> to add the fee value to the input value. We could have used equal (eq) instead of greater than or equal (geq). Using geq allows the user of the oracle to give the oracle provider a tip, if they so wish.

So this now is basically the core business logic of the oracle as shown in the diagrams.


Now we have our usual boilerplate. In particular notice that we use the pattern that we need for a parameterized validator.

data Oracling
instance Scripts.ScriptType Oracling where
    type instance DatumType Oracling = Integer
    type instance RedeemerType Oracling = OracleRedeemer

oracleInst :: Oracle -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Oracling
oracleInst oracle = Scripts.validator @Oracling
    ($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkOracleValidator ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode oracle)
    $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
    wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @Integer @OracleRedeemer

oracleValidator :: Oracle -> Validator
oracleValidator = Scripts.validatorScript . oracleInst

oracleAddress :: Oracle -> Ledger.Address
oracleAddress = scriptAddress . oracleValidator

And this concludes the on-chain part of the oracle code.

6.2.2. Off-chain

We also create some off-chain code, namely to start the oracle, and to update it. However, we don’t write off-chain code to use the oracle. That is not the responsibility of the author of this contract. That will be the responsibility of the person that wants to use the oracle - they will write the code to create the transaction with the use redeemer. This is the first time that we have seen the situation where we have some on-chain code that is not paired with some off-chain code. Starting the Oracle

To start the oracle, we need some parameters.

data OracleParams = OracleParams
    { opFees   :: !Integer
    , opSymbol :: !CurrencySymbol
    , opToken  :: !TokenName
    } deriving (Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

The opFees parameter represents the number of lovelace that will be charged to use the oracle.

The opSymbol and opToken parameters represent the token against which we are providing the Ada exchange rate, in this case a USD token.

First we create a startOracle function, whose responsibility is to mint the NFT that will be used to identify the oracle UTxO. The startOracle function will not provide an initial value for the oracle, this will be handled by the updateOracle function. The reason for this is that, if we provided an initial value, it may be outdated by the time the NFT is minted.

We could have used the same code for minting the NFT as we used in lecture 5. This would have worked perfectly well.

However, this is a currency module provided in plutus-use-cases that provides a forgeContract function that allows us to mint NFTs.

Here is the type of the forgeContract function shown in the REPL.

Prelude Week06.Oracle.Core> :t Plutus.Contracts.Currency.forgeContract
  :: (row-types-
        (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Input s),
        (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Output s),
      Plutus.Contracts.Currency.AsCurrencyError e,
      (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Input s
       row-types-! "tx-confirmation")
      ~ Plutus.Contract.Effects.AwaitTxConfirmed.TxConfirmed,
      (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Input s
       row-types-! "tx")
      ~ Plutus.Contract.Effects.WriteTx.WriteTxResponse,
      (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Output s
       row-types-! "tx")
      ~ Ledger.Constraints.OffChain.UnbalancedTx,
      (Plutus.Contract.Schema.Output s
       row-types-! "tx-confirmation")
      ~ Plutus.V1.Ledger.TxId.TxId) =>
     -> [(Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.TokenName, Integer)]
     -> Plutus.Contract.Types.Contract
          w s e Plutus.Contracts.Currency.OneShotCurrency

The important part starts towards the end, where the first parameter - of type PubKeyHash - is defined. This is the hash of the public key of the recipient of the NFT.

The forgeContract function provides more general functionality than our previous NFT contract. It allows is to generate multiple NFTs in one go. It will create a currency symbol that can only be used one, similar to our NFT from last time, so there can only be one minting transaction. But for the one currency symbol, you can mint various tokens in the same transaction, with various token names and in various quantities. The second parameter allows us to define these token names and quantities.

And it gives us a Contract that returns a value of the OneShotCurrency type. This type is specific to the currency and it doesn’t really matter to us what it is. All that matters for us is that we can get the currency symbol out of it again.

There is one slight problem. This is not compatible with what we want. We want this types

Contract w s Text Oracle

An arbitrary writer type (because we don’t make use of it), an arbitrary schema (as long as we have BlockChainActions available), Text error messages and a return type of Oracle.

The problem is that the Contract returned by forgeContract doesn’t allow Text error messages. You can see this in the verbose output from the REPL - there is a constraint on the e parameter.

Plutus.Contracts.Currency.AsCurrencyError e,

Unfortunately Text doesn’t implement AsCurrencyError.

Luckily there is a function that can helper

:: (e -> e')
   -> Plutus.Contract.Types.Contract w s e a
   -> Plutus.Contract.Types.Contract w s e' a

Given a Contract, it allows us to create a new Contract with a new type of error message. That is provided we give a function that converts from the first error type to the second error type.

So, let’s look at the startOracle function.

startOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => OracleParams -> Contract w s Text Oracle
startOracle op = do
    pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
    osc <- mapError (pack . show) (forgeContract pkh [(oracleTokenName, 1)] :: Contract w s CurrencyError OneShotCurrency)
    let cs     = Currency.currencySymbol osc
        oracle = Oracle
            { oSymbol   = cs
            , oOperator = pkh
            , oFee      = opFees op
            , oAsset    = AssetClass (opSymbol op, opToken op)
    logInfo @String $ "started oracle " ++ show oracle
    return oracle

Here we see the error conversion function is provided as pack . show. The show function converts the error to a String and the pack function converts a String to a Data.Text type.

At this point, osc holds the OneShotCurrency, and we can then use the currencySymbol function to get the currency symbol as cs.

The currencySymbol function has type

      :: OneShotCurrency -> Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.CurrencySymbol

And is used accordingly

let cs = Currency.currencySymbol osc

Now we have minted our NFT and it has currency symbol cs. And now we can construct our Oracle parameter value.

oracle = Oracle
    { oSymbol   = cs
    , oOperator = pkh
    , oFee      = opFees op
    , oAsset    = AssetClass (opSymbol op, opToken op)

The reason that opSymbol and opToken are defined separately in the OracleParams type op is just that this makes is easier when we are using the playground. Updating the Oracle

The updateOracle function is more complicated.

This function has to deal with two cases. Namely, the case where we have a value that we wish to update, and the case where we have just started the oracle and we want to create a value for the very first time.

It takes our oracle parameters and also the Integer value that we wish to have the oracle hold.

First we create a helper function findOracle.

findOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Contract w s Text (Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, Integer))
findOracle oracle = do
    utxos <- Map.filter f <$> utxoAt (oracleAddress oracle)
    return $ case Map.toList utxos of
        [(oref, o)] -> do
            x <- oracleValue (txOutTxOut o) $ \dh -> Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
            return (oref, o, x)
        _           -> Nothing
    f :: TxOutTx -> Bool
    f o = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

The purpose of findOracle is to look up the existing oracle UTxO. This can fail because the oracle might not be there. This will happen if we have just started the oracles and have not yet created a UTxO with the oracle value. But, if we find it, we return a triple containing the UTxO identifer (TxOutRef), the UTxO itself, which contains all the data (TxOutTx) and the oracle value (the current exchange rate held by the oracle). The Integer containing the oracle value is encoded also in the TxOutTx value, but we add it to the triple to make it easier to work with.

The first thing we do is to get all the UTxOs sitting at this address. But only one of these will be the one we are looking for - the one that contains the NFT.

We do this by using the Map.filter function which takes a function as a parameter which, in this case, returns True for the UTxO where the NFT is present.

utxos <- Map.filter f <$> utxoAt (oracleAddress oracle)
  f :: TxOutTx -> Bool
  f o = assetClassValueOf (txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) (oracleAsset oracle) == 1

We will end up with a map in utxos which is either empty or contains one item. Now, we distinguish between these two cases.

return $ case Map.toList utxos of
    [(oref, o)] -> do
        x <- oracleValue (txOutTxOut o) $ \dh -> Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
        return (oref, o, x)
    _           -> Nothing

We convert the map to a list of tuples representing key value pairs of transaction ids and the transactions themselves.

For the case where there is no element, we use the _ case to represent all other cases. This could only ever be the empty list, but the compiler doesn’t know that.

If, however, we have found the UTxO, then, as we already have its id and transaction, we just need to find its Integer value. This part could still go wrong. Even though we have found the correct UTxO, there could be some corrupt data in it for whatever reason.

We use the oracleValue function that we used also in validation. This function takes a TxOut parameter followed by a second parameter is a function, which, given a datum hash will return the associated datum.

In the off-chain code, we can use the following function parameter

\dh -> Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o

Here, txData is a field of the transaction and it is a map from datum hashes to datums. We get the transaction from txOutTxTx o.

If this all succeeds, when will return the triple (oref, o, x), where x is the Integer value of the oracle.

Now that we have written the findOracle function we can look at the updateOracle function.

updateOracle :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
updateOracle oracle x = do
    m <- findOracle oracle
    let c = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript x $ assetClassValue (oracleAsset oracle) 1
    case m of
        Nothing -> do
            ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints (oracleInst oracle) c
            awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
            logInfo @String $ "set initial oracle value to " ++ show x
        Just (oref, o,  _) -> do
            let lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)     <>
                          Constraints.scriptInstanceLookups (oracleInst oracle) <>
                          Constraints.otherScript (oracleValidator oracle)
                tx      = c <> Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Update)
            ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Oracling lookups tx
            awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
            logInfo @String $ "updated oracle value to " ++ show x

After the findOracle line there is a helper function definition, as we will need this constraint twice.

let c = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript x $ assetClassValue (oracleAsset oracle) 1

After looking for the oracle, there are wo possibilities - either we found it or we did not.

If we didn’t find it, then we have started the oracle but we have not yet provided an initial value. This is the first case. And in this case, all we have to do is to submit a transaction that produces the first value for the oracle.

ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints (oracleInst oracle) c
awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "set initial oracle value to " ++ show x

Here is the first usage of the c helper function. It provides the constraint mustPayToTheScript which ensures that the transaction will have an output that pays to a script address. As arguments it takes the datum x and the NFT. The script that it must pay to is always the script that is in focus - here it is the first parameter to submitTxConstraints - (oracleInst oracle).

We then wait for confirmation and write a log message. And this is all we need to do for this case.

In the other case, where we already have a value, we need to reference the UTxO parts, but we don’t care about the current datum, as we are going to update it anyway.

Just (oref, o,  _) -> do

Now it gets a bit more complicated, because now we need two conditions.

The first constraint is the same as in the other case - the constraint referenced by the helper function c. But there is now an extra constraint that we must also consume the existing UTxO.

tx = c <> Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Update)

The mustSpendScriptOutput function is basically the opposite of mustPayToTheScript. It creates an input to this script address. As parameters it takes the reference to the UTxO we want to consume, and it takes a Redeemer. In this case the Redeemer is Update and it is converted to the Plutus Data type.

In order for this to work we need to provide some lookups.

In order to find the output oref that it wants to spend, we must use the unspentOutputs lookup, and in this case, we just provide the lookup with one UTxO.

Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.singleton oref o)

Then we must provide the script instances. We need to do this twice, once for the input side, and once for the output side. For this, we provide the oracle instance and the oracle validator.

Constraints.scriptInstanceLookups (oracleInst oracle) <>
Constraints.otherScript (oracleValidator oracle)

We didn’t need to provide the scriptInstanceLookups lookup in the first case, as we were able to pass oracleInst oracle to the submitTxConstraints function. However, with the submitTxConstraintsWith function, we don’t have that option.

When submitting the transaction, we need to give the compiler a little nudge to let it know the script we are talking about - so that it knows, for example, what The Script is in mustPayToTheScript. For this we reference the Oracling type.

ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Oracling lookups tx

Hopefully now we have a valid transaction that gets submitted, and then we wait for it to be confirmed, and write some logging information.

awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "updated oracle value to " ++ show x

Remember, we talked about fee collecting earlier. This will happen automatically. The function submitTxConstraintsWith will send the fees to our own wallet. It does this because there is an imbalance between the value attached to the input, which includes the fees and the NFT, and the value we have said must be paid to the script, which is just the NFT.

This process will also automatically create an extra input from our own input to pay the transaction fees for executing the transaction.

Lastly, we provide a function that combines these two operations, startOracle and updateOracle into one contract. This will make it possible to use in the playground and the EmulatorTrace monad, as well as in the PAB.

type OracleSchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "update" Integer

runOracle :: OracleParams -> Contract (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text ()
runOracle op = do
    oracle <- startOracle op
    tell $ Last $ Just oracle
    go oracle
    go :: Oracle -> Contract (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text a
    go oracle = do
        x <- endpoint @"update"
        updateOracle oracle x
        go oracle

The function runOracle first starts the oracle. Then, for reasons that will become clear later, we use tell to write the oracle parameter. We need to be able to communicate the parameter value of the oracle to the outside world, so that people can use the oracle. We will not know until runtime the currency symbol that will be used for the NFT, so we don’t know the value of the oracle parameter yet.

Remember that tell expects a Monoid type. The typical example is a list of strings that get concatenated to one list of all log messages.

But it doesn’t have to be lists. In Data.Monoid we have this Last Monoid.

Prelude Week06.Oracle.Core> import Data.Monoid (Last (..))
Prelude Data.Monoid Week06.Oracle.Core> :i Last
type Last :: * -> *
newtype Last a = Last {getLast :: Maybe a}
      -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Applicative Last -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Eq a => Eq (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Functor Last -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Monad Last -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Monoid (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Ord a => Ord (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Semigroup (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Show a => Show (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Read a => Read (Last a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Monoid’
instance Traversable Last -- Defined in ‘Data.Traversable’
instance Foldable Last -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’

We see that it is just a newtype wrapper around Maybe. The point is to provide a specific Monoid instance. The idea, as the name suggests, is that it is a monoid operation that always remembers the last Just value. For example:

Prelude Data.Monoid Week06.Oracle.Core> Last (Just 'x') <> Last (Just 'y')
Last {getLast = Just 'y'}

However, if the second Last is a nothing, it will return the first one.

Prelude Data.Monoid Week06.Oracle.Core> Last (Just 'x') <> Last Nothing
Last {getLast = Just 'x'}

If both are Nothing, it will be Nothing.

Last is very useful because it allows us to keep the current state. The value of the log will basically be the last Just we told.

In this contract we will only do that once. In the beginning it will be Last Nothing. Then we mint the NFT, and then, when we get the oracle value in runOracle, and then tell it, it will always have that value. If other contracts from the outside query the state, they will always get the Just oracle, so they will be able to discover the value of the oracle.

So, next in runOracle, we call the helper function go. What this does is to block at the update endpoint. As soon as someone provides an Integer as the new value, it will call the updateOracle function with the new value, and then just loop to go again.

In summary, runOracle starts the oracle, tells the oracle, then loops to allow others to update the oracle.

And that concludes the code for the oracle itself. What is now missing is an example, a contract that actually uses the oracle - a swap contract. And also using the Plutus Application Backend to run this code in the real world or, in our case, in a simulated blockchain.

6.3. Swap Validation

Our example swap contract can be found in

module Week06.Oracle.swap

The purpose of this contract is for someone to be able to deposit ADA and exchange it for a token, in our case a token that we will call USDT for US Dollar Token.

The idea is that the price, the amount of USDT that will be required to be paid for the ADA, will be determined by the value of the oracle. Remember that we are using an Integer to reflect the exchange rate, with a value of one million being equal to one USDT.

We’ll start with a helper function called price, which, given a number of lovelace and the exchange rate, returns the USDT price.

price :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
price lovelace exchangeRate = (lovelace * exchangeRate) `divide` 1000000

The next helper function, lovelaces, combines to functions from the Plutus libraries to extract a number of lovelace from a Value type.

lovelaces :: Value -> Integer
lovelaces = Ada.getLovelace . Ada.fromValue

Now we will write mkSwapValidator. This is a parameterized validator with two parameters.

The first parameter is the oracle that we are using. To use this, we import the oracle module.

import Week06.Oracle.core

The second parameter is the address of the oracle. Normally, given the oracle, we would be able to compute the address from it. In the core module we saw a function oracleAddress which does this for us. But this is a function that we can’t use in the validator, because it can’t be compiled to Plutus script. So, here, we explicitly hand the address to the validator.

For the datum, we use the public key hash of the seller. We don’t use a redeemer, so we give it a type of Unit.

We recall from the diagram, the swap transaction should have three inputs and three outputs.

Swap Transaction Inputs and Outputs



The oracle, to check the current exchange rate

The oracle, which we don’t need to look at in the swap validation

The swap UTxO that holds the lovelace

The tokens for the seller

The source of the buyer’s funds

The lovelace for the buyer

Note that we don’t need to worry about the oracle as an output. The oracle validator takes care of ensuring that the value is not changed and that the fees are added.

We also want to support the second use case, the case where the seller can retrieve the ADA tokens in the case that they no longer want to do the swap. If we don’t support this case, the ADA could be locked there forever, if nobody ever decides to make the swap.

This second case is the condition we check in the validator. If the seller themselves signs the transaction, there are no further constraints - we don’t need to check the oracle or anything else - the seller can just get back their lovelace.

mkSwapValidator :: Oracle -> Address -> PubKeyHash -> () -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkSwapValidator oracle addr pkh () ctx =
    txSignedBy info pkh ||

The more interesting case is the second one, where we check two conditions.

Firstly, there must be two inputs - the oracle and the swap UTxO. All additional inputs (the buyer’s funds) must be public key inputs. This is because we don’t want to worry about interference with other smart contracts.

Secondly, we want to check that the seller gets paid.

(traceIfFalse "expected exactly two script inputs" hasTwoScriptInputs &&
 traceIfFalse "price not paid"                     sellerPaid)

Now, we have our helper function definitions.

First, the usual.

info :: TxInfo
info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx

Then, we have oracleInput to get the UTxO from the oracle.

oracleInput :: TxOut
oracleInput =
    ins = [ o
          | i <- txInfoInputs info
          , let o = txInInfoResolved i
          , txOutAddress o == addr
    case ins of
        [o] -> o
        _   -> traceError "expected exactly one oracle input"

We do this by getting a list of all the inputs. For this we use list comprehension, which allows us to draw from other lists using a filter. In this case we draw from the list from txInfoInputs info, which is a list of TxInfo. We use the txInInfoResolved function to look at each element as a TxOut type, which we then compare with the addr parameter. The resulting list will either by empty, or will have the TxOut that matches the oracle UTxO.

We then check that there is exactly one element in the resulting list, and, if there is, we return it. We don’t return the list, just the TxOut.

This has now given us the oracle output that we are consuming as an input.

Now, we want to check the actual exchange rate. For that, we use the oracleValue function that we defined in the core module. Here again, it may succeed, or it may fail. If it succeeds we return the value.

oracleValue' = case oracleValue oracleInput (`findDatum` info) of
    Nothing -> traceError "oracle value not found"
    Just x  -> x

We do not need to check whether the oracle contains the NFT. Due to the way validation works for the oracle, we know that it is present.

Now, let’s look at the hasTwoScriptInputs helper function.

hasTwoScriptInputs :: Bool
hasTwoScriptInputs =
    xs = filter (isJust . toValidatorHash . txOutAddress . txInInfoResolved) $ txInfoInputs info
    length xs == 2

First, we filter, using the composite function

(isJust . toValidatorHash . txOutAddress . txInInfoResolved)

Reading right to left, we get the UTxO from the input, then we get the address for this UTxO, then we get the validator hash for that address. Then, finally, we check if it is a script output, by seeing if it is a Just. If it is a Nothing, then this would show that it is a public key, not a script address.

We then use this composite function as a filter against the list of TxInInfos. And then we check that the length of the resulting list is exactly two.

Going back to our validation conditions, we now have to deal with checking that the seller is getting paid. So let’s write the sellerPaid helper function that we referenced.

For this we will use another helper function to determine the required price.

minPrice :: Integer
minPrice =
    lovelaceIn = case findOwnInput ctx of
        Nothing -> traceError "own input not found"
        Just i  -> lovelaces $ txOutValue $ txInInfoResolved i
    price lovelaceIn oracleValue'

First we check that we have an input, and if so, we extract the number of lovelaces and assign that number to lovelaceIn. Then, we use the price helper function to determine the price in USD tokens.

Now, we can define the sellerPaid helper function.

sellerPaid :: Bool
sellerPaid =
    pricePaid :: Integer
    pricePaid =  assetClassValueOf (valuePaidTo info pkh) (oAsset oracle)
    pricePaid >= minPrice

The function valuePaidTo is from the Plutus libraries. Given info and a public key hash, it will add up all the values of all the public key outputs that go to this address. We then use the assetClassValueOf function to check the component of the value that is in USD token, and the check that we have at least as many as we require.

That’s the end of the main part of the code for the swap validator. We just have our normal boiler plate to write.

data Swapping
instance Scripts.ScriptType Swapping where
    type instance DatumType Swapping = PubKeyHash
    type instance RedeemerType Swapping = ()

swapInst :: Oracle -> Scripts.ScriptInstance Swapping
swapInst oracle = Scripts.validator @Swapping
    ($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkSwapValidator ||])
        `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode oracle
        `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode (oracleAddress oracle))
    $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
    wrap = Scripts.wrapValidator @PubKeyHash @()

swapValidator :: Oracle -> Validator
swapValidator = Scripts.validatorScript . swapInst

swapAddress :: Oracle -> Ledger.Address
swapAddress = scriptAddress . swapValidator

Note that in the swapInst function, where we use template haskell to generate the Plutus validator from the mkSwapValidator function, we do not need to pass in the oracle address as a parameter. This is because we will compute this inside the function. Remember that we can’t use the oracleAddress function inside the Plutus validator.

Now to define some contracts.

6.3.1. offerSwap

First offerSwap. This is for a seller who wants to offer a certain number of lovelace for exchange.

offerSwap :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Integer -> Contract w s Text ()
offerSwap oracle amt = do
    pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
    let tx = Constraints.mustPayToTheScript pkh $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf amt
    ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraints (swapInst oracle) tx
    awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
    logInfo @String $ "offered " ++ show amt ++ " lovelace for swap"

6.3.2. findSwaps

Next, a helper function that will find all swaps that satisfy a given predicate. It takes an oracle plus a predicate based on public key hashes, and returns a list of triples of the UTxOs that satisfy the predicate.

findSwaps :: HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> (PubKeyHash -> Bool) -> Contract w s Text [(TxOutRef, TxOutTx, PubKeyHash)]
findSwaps oracle p = do
    utxos <- utxoAt $ swapAddress oracle
    return $ mapMaybe g $ Map.toList utxos
    f :: TxOutTx -> Maybe PubKeyHash
    f o = do
        dh        <- txOutDatumHash $ txOutTxOut o
        (Datum d) <- Map.lookup dh $ txData $ txOutTxTx o
        PlutusTx.fromData d

    g :: (TxOutRef, TxOutTx) -> Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, PubKeyHash)
    g (oref, o) = do
        pkh <- f o
        guard $ p pkh
        return (oref, o, pkh)

First, we get a list of all the UTxOs sitting at the swap contract address. We then apply mapMaybe to this list.

mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]

This function will apply the (a -> Maybe b) function to each element in a list of as and creates a list of Maybe bs, which could contain a mixture of Justs and Nothings. It then throws away the Nothings and returns the values contained in the Justs.

To clarify this, imagine we have a function that returns as Just for even numbers and a Nothing for odd numbers.

f (n :: Int) = if even n then Just (div n 2) else Nothing

We can use this as the first parameter to map Maybe

Prelude Week06.Oracle.Core> import Data.Maybe
Prelude Data.Maybe Week06.Oracle.Core> mapMaybe f [2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 100]

We use the mapMaybe and the function g to filter the list of UTxOs.

g :: (TxOutRef, TxOutTx) -> Maybe (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, PubKeyHash)
g (oref, o) = do
    pkh <- f o
    guard $ p pkh
    return (oref, o, pkh)

This function takes a key value pair representing the UTxO and returns a Maybe triple containing the items from the pair alongside a PubKeyHash.

Function g is inside the Maybe monad and makes use of function f, which is also inside the Maybe monad. Function f gets the public key hash from a UTxO, if it exists. After this, function g uses the guard function with the predicate function p that we passed in as an argument.

The guard function is available in some monads, and the Maybe monad is one of them. It takes a boolean as a parameter, and, if the boolean is false, the computation fails. In this case, failure means returning Nothing. If it is true, it just continues. In this case, that means returning the Just of the triple containing the public key hash.

We will see how we use the findSwaps function in a moment.

6.3.3. retrieveSwaps

The retrieveSwaps contract is for the seller if they want to change their mind and get their Ada back.

Here is where we use the findSwaps function. We use it with (== pkh) as the predicate, meaning that we want only those UTxOs sitting at the swap address that belong to the operator.

retrieveSwaps :: HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Contract w s Text ()
retrieveSwaps oracle = do
    pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
    xs <- findSwaps oracle (== pkh)
    case xs of
        [] -> logInfo @String "no swaps found"
        _  -> do
            let lookups = Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.fromList [(oref, o) | (oref, o, _) <- xs]) <>
                          Constraints.otherScript (swapValidator oracle)
                tx      = mconcat [Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref $ Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData () | (oref, _, _) <- xs]
            ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Swapping lookups tx
            awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
            logInfo @String $ "retrieved " ++ show (length xs) ++ " swap(s)"

If there are none, then there is nothing to do. If there are some, we construct a transaction that retrieves all of them.

To do that, we create a list of mustSpendScriptOutput constraints.

tx = mconcat [Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref $ Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData () | (oref, _, _) <- xs]

The line looks intimidating, but it is just extracting a list of orefs from the xs list and using it to construct a constraint for each of them, using Unit as the Redeemer type. The function mconcat applies the Semigroup operator <> throughout the list in order to combine them.

As lookups, we must provide all the UTxOs and the swap validator.

We have the list of UTxOs in xs and we use list comprehension to turn this list into a list of pairs, and we then use Map.fromList to turn those pairs into a map, to which we then apply the unspentOutputs constraint.

6.3.4. useSwaps

And now the most interesting one, useSwaps. This is where we actually use the oracle.

useSwap :: forall w s. HasBlockchainActions s => Oracle -> Contract w s Text ()
useSwap oracle = do
    funds <- ownFunds
    let amt = assetClassValueOf funds $ oAsset oracle
    logInfo @String $ "available assets: " ++ show amt

    m <- findOracle oracle
    case m of
        Nothing           -> logInfo @String "oracle not found"
        Just (oref, o, x) -> do
            logInfo @String $ "found oracle, exchange rate " ++ show x
            pkh   <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
            swaps <- findSwaps oracle (/= pkh)
            case find (f amt x) swaps of
                Nothing                -> logInfo @String "no suitable swap found"
                Just (oref', o', pkh') -> do
                    let v       = txOutValue (txOutTxOut o) <> lovelaceValueOf (oFee oracle)
                        p       = assetClassValue (oAsset oracle) $ price (lovelaces $ txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o') x
                        lookups = Constraints.otherScript (swapValidator oracle)                     <>
                                  Constraints.otherScript (oracleValidator oracle)                   <>
                                  Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.fromList [(oref, o), (oref', o')])
                        tx      = Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref  (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Use) <>
                                  Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref' (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData ())  <>
                                    (validatorHash $ oracleValidator oracle)
                                    (Datum $ PlutusTx.toData x)
                                    v                                                                      <>
                                  Constraints.mustPayToPubKey pkh' p
                    ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Swapping lookups tx
                    awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
                    logInfo @String $ "made swap with price " ++ show (Value.flattenValue p)
    getPrice :: Integer -> TxOutTx -> Integer
    getPrice x o = price (lovelaces $ txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) x

    f :: Integer -> Integer -> (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, PubKeyHash) -> Bool
    f amt x (_, o, _) = getPrice x o <= amt

First, we use the ownFunds function. This is defined in a separate module that we will get to in a bit. All it does is to add up all the money in our own wallet and returns a Value. We then find out how many USD Tokens we have.

funds <- ownFunds
let amt = assetClassValueOf funds $ oAsset oracle
logInfo @String $ "available assets: " ++ show amt

The findOracle function is defined in the Oracle.Core module from earlier. You will recall that it finds us the oracle UTxO that contains the oracle value.

m <- findOracle oracle

If we don’t find the oracle, we will just log a message to that effect.

case m of
    Nothing           -> logInfo @String "oracle not found"

If we do find it, we will log a message with the current exchange rate.

Just (oref, o, x) -> do
    logInfo @String $ "found oracle, exchange rate " ++ show x

Next, we check our own public key and check for all available swaps where we are not the owner.

pkh   <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
swaps <- findSwaps oracle (/= pkh)

Then, we use a function find which is from the Haskell prelude, in module Data.List. The find function takes a predicate and a list and Maybe returns one element of that list that satisfies the predicate.

The function used in the predicate is defined as the helper function f.

    getPrice :: Integer -> TxOutTx -> Integer
    getPrice x o = price (lovelaces $ txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o) x

    f :: Integer -> Integer -> (TxOutRef, TxOutTx, PubKeyHash) -> Bool
    f amt x (_, o, _) = getPrice x o <= amt

We give it an amount, the current exchange rate, and a UTxO triple. The function determines if there is a swap that is cheaper to or equal to the amount parameter.

Now, we have searched for a swap that we can afford. If we don’t find one, we log a message saying so.

case find (f amt x) swaps of
    Nothing                -> logInfo @String "no suitable swap found"

If we do find one, we just take the first one. This isn’t very realistic, of course. In a real-world example we would probably specify the exact amount we want to swap. Here, we are just keeping it simple as we are focussed on oracles rather than swapping.

So, now we construct a transaction.

let v = txOutValue (txOutTxOut o) <> lovelaceValueOf (oFee oracle)

This is the output for the oracle. It is the same as the input, including any fees that have accumulated there, plus the fee in lovelace that we need to pay.

We then create a Value representing the USD Tokens that we need to pay.

p = assetClassValue (oAsset oracle) $ price (lovelaces $ txOutValue $ txOutTxOut o') x

Now, let’s look at the constraints.

The first constraint is that we must consume the oracle as an input. And here we see the first use of the Use redeemer. We never used this redeemer in the oracle core itself, as the oracle provider is only responsible for updating values, which uses the Update redeemer.

Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData Use)

The second constraint is to consume the swap input, which just uses a Unit redeeemer.

Constraints.mustSpendScriptOutput oref' (Redeemer $ PlutusTx.toData ())

The third constraint is to pay the oracle.

    (validatorHash $ oracleValidator oracle)
    (Datum $ PlutusTx.toData x)

Here we use mustPayToOtherScript, specifying the oracle script, because now we have two scripts in play - the oracle script and the swap script. As Datum we use the exist datum - we mustn’t change it - and as Value we use the value v that we computed earlier.

The final constraint is that we must pay the seller of the lovelace - and the payment is the price p that we calculated before.

Constraints.mustPayToPubKey pkh' p

For lookups, we must provide the validators of the oracle and swap contracts, and we must provide the two UTxOs that we want to consume.

lookups = Constraints.otherScript (swapValidator oracle)               <>
    Constraints.otherScript (oracleValidator oracle)                   <>
    Constraints.unspentOutputs (Map.fromList [(oref, o), (oref', o')])

Now, the usual - we submit it, wait for confirmation, then log a message.

ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Swapping lookups tx
awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
logInfo @String $ "made swap with price " ++ show (Value.flattenValue p)

6.3.5. Contract bundle

That defines the raw contracts. Now, we provide a bundle that contains all of them.

First, we define, as always, a schema, which defines the endpoints.

type SwapSchema =
        .\/ Endpoint "offer"    Integer
        .\/ Endpoint "retrieve" ()
        .\/ Endpoint "use"      ()
        .\/ Endpoint "funds"    ()

Next, we see the select operator. This use of this operator will cause our code to wait until one of the endpoints is picked, and then executes the associated code.

The swap function recursively calls itself, offering again and again the same choice of endpoints.

swap :: Oracle -> Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
swap oracle = (offer `select` retrieve `select` use `select` funds) >> swap oracle
        offer :: Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
        offer = h $ do
            amt <- endpoint @"offer"
            offerSwap oracle amt

        retrieve :: Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
        retrieve = h $ do
            endpoint @"retrieve"
            retrieveSwaps oracle

        use :: Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
        use = h $ do
            endpoint @"use"
            useSwap oracle

        funds :: Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
        funds = h $ do
            endpoint @"funds"
            v <- ownFunds
            tell $ Last $ Just v

        h :: Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text () -> Contract (Last Value) SwapSchema Text ()
        h = handleError logError

The code for the four endpoints are wrappers for the code we have already written.

For offer, for example, we block until we are provided with an amt and then we call the offerSwap contract.

It is the same for the retrieve and use endpoints, except that they require no parameters.

For the funds endpoint it is a little different. The ownFunds function comes from the Funds module, which, as we noted earlier, we have not yet looked at. It gives us the Value that we own. We then tell this value as a way of reporting to the outside world how much we have.

The h in each of the endpoints is an error handler. Each of the endpoints is wrapped inside the error handler, which just logs the error, but does not halt execution.

And that concludes the swap example.

6.4. Funds Module

Now let’s quickly look at the Funds module. It’s a short module that provides two contracts.

The ownFunds function is tasked with summing up all the Value in our own UTxOs.

ownFunds :: HasBlockchainActions s => Contract w s Text Value
ownFunds = do
    pk    <- ownPubKey
    utxos <- utxoAt $ pubKeyAddress pk
    let v = mconcat $ Map.elems $ txOutValue . txOutTxOut <$> utxos
    logInfo @String $ "own funds: " ++ show (Value.flattenValue v)
    return v

It does this by looking up our public key, then getting all the UTxOs at that public key address. The utxos are then a map from UTxO references to UTxOs.

As map implements Functor we can map over the map to change the elements to something else. In this case, we change them to Values by applying the composite function txOutValue . txOutTxOut.

The Map.elems function ignores the keys and just gives us the values. And, as we saw before, mconcat, when given a Semigroup or Monoid type, will combine the list of values into one value.

So v is not the sum of all the values of all the UTxOs that we own. Our ownFunds function is a contract that has a return type of Value, we return v.

The function ownFunds’ is a variation that, instead of returning the value, permanently tells it.

ownFunds' :: Contract (Last Value) BlockchainActions Text ()
ownFunds' = do
    handleError logError $ ownFunds >>= tell . Last . Just
    void $ Contract.waitNSlots 1

This calls the ownFunds function, performs a monadic bind to the composite function tell . Last . Just which tells the value, then it waits for a slot, and then calls itself. So, every block, it writes the value into the log.

6.5. Testing

We will now write code, using the EmulatorTrace monad, that tests the contracts we have written.

This code can be found in the following module

module Week06.Oracle.Test

First, we need to define a token that we can test with. The assetSymbol is an arbitrary hash, which is fine for test purposes.

assetSymbol :: CurrencySymbol
assetSymbol = "ff"

assetToken :: TokenName
assetToken = "USDT"

This time we are going to use the primed version of runEmulatorTraceIO, which takes two more arguments and gives more fine-grained over the emulation environment.

test :: IO ()
test = runEmulatorTraceIO' def emCfg myTrace
    emCfg :: EmulatorConfig
    emCfg = EmulatorConfig $ Left $ Map.fromList [(Wallet i, v) | i <- [1 .. 10]]

    v :: Value
    v = Ada.lovelaceValueOf                    100_000_000 <>
        Value.singleton assetSymbol assetToken 100_000_000

The first argument to runEmulatorTraceIO’ determines how the various log messages are displayed. Using def, we have selected the default, which is the same as in the unprimed version.

The reason we are using the primed version is that we want to configure the initial distribution, and we can do that with the second argument, which here we have labelled emCfg.

emCfg :: EmulatorConfig
emCfg = EmulatorConfig $ Left $ Map.fromList [(Wallet i, v) | i <- [1 .. 10]]

We use this with the helper function v to give everyone 100 million lovelace (100 Ada) and 100 million USD Tokens to begin with.

v :: Value
v = Ada.lovelaceValueOf                    100_000_000 <>
    Value.singleton assetSymbol assetToken 100_000_000

We define a helper contract, checkOracle, that will continually check the oracle value and log it.

checkOracle :: Oracle -> Contract () BlockchainActions Text a
checkOracle oracle = do
    m <- findOracle oracle
    case m of
        Nothing        -> return ()
        Just (_, _, x) -> Contract.logInfo $ "Oracle value: " ++ show x
    Contract.waitNSlots 1 >> checkOracle oracle

And now we can define our trace.

myTrace :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace = do
    let op = OracleParams
                { opFees = 1_000_000
                , opSymbol = assetSymbol
                , opToken  = assetToken

    h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) $ runOracle op
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 1
    oracle <- getOracle h1

    void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) $ checkOracle oracle

    callEndpoint @"update" h1 1_500_000
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) ownFunds'
    void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 3) ownFunds'
    void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 4) ownFunds'
    void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 5) ownFunds'

    h3 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 3) $ swap oracle
    h4 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 4) $ swap oracle
    h5 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 5) $ swap oracle

    callEndpoint @"offer" h3 10_000_000
    callEndpoint @"offer" h4 20_000_000
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    callEndpoint @"use" h5 ()
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    callEndpoint @"update" h1 1_700_000
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    callEndpoint @"use" h5 ()
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    callEndpoint @"update" h1 1_800_000
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

    callEndpoint @"retrieve" h3 ()
    callEndpoint @"retrieve" h4 ()
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3
    getOracle :: ContractHandle (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text -> EmulatorTrace Oracle
    getOracle h = do
        l <- observableState h
        case l of
            Last Nothing       -> Emulator.waitNSlots 1 >> getOracle h
            Last (Just oracle) -> Extras.logInfo (show oracle) >> return oracle

This is all stuff that we have already seen. We define our oracle parameters, setting the oracle fee at 1 million lovelace, and our arbitrary asset class defined earlier.

let op = OracleParams
    { opFees = 1_000_000
    , opSymbol = assetSymbol
    , opToken  = assetToken

Then, we start the oracle and wait for one slot.

h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) $ runOracle op
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 1
oracle <- getOracle h1

We have grabbed a handle to the oracle using the helper function defined in the where clause.

getOracle :: ContractHandle (Last Oracle) OracleSchema Text -> EmulatorTrace Oracle
getOracle h = do
    l <- observableState h
    case l of
        Last Nothing       -> Emulator.waitNSlots 1 >> getOracle h
        Last (Just oracle) -> Extras.logInfo (show oracle) >> return oracle

We need this because the swap contract is parameterized with the oracle value. And this is why we used tell in the runOracle function.

We use the observableState function to get hold of this information. If it does not exist, we wait for a slot, and try again. Otherwise, we log it for debugging purposes, and the return it.

Next, we use Wallet 2 to execute the checkOracle function which we saw earlier.

void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) $ checkOracle oracle

We then initialize the oracle to an exchange rate of 1.5 Ada, and wait for 3 slots.

callEndpoint @"update" h1 1_500_000
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

We now call the ownFunds’ function on Wallets 1, 3, 4 and 5 to check the initial balances.

void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) ownFunds'
void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 3) ownFunds'
void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 4) ownFunds'
void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 5) ownFunds'

Then we start the swap contract on Wallets 3, 4, and 5.

h3 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 3) $ swap oracle
h4 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 4) $ swap oracle
h5 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 5) $ swap oracle

Then we try some scenarios. First, Wallets 3 and 4 offer 10 and 20 Ada for swap respectively.

callEndpoint @"offer" h3 10_000_000
callEndpoint @"offer" h4 20_000_000
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

And now Wallet 5 uses the swap. It will pick one of the two. It is not obvious which one, whichever it finds first. Remember that we only wrote code that would find the first affordable slot. It will then pay USD Token for it. The amount paid will depend on the current value of the oracle.

callEndpoint @"use" h5 ()
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

Now, Wallet 1 updates the oracle value to 1.7. This also results in the accumulated fees (1 Ada) being paid to Wallet 1.

callEndpoint @”update” h1 1_700_000 void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

Then, Wallet 5 tries again, grabbing the remaining swap, but now paying a different USD Token price.

callEndpoint @"use" h5 ()
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

We then set the oracle value to 1.8.

callEndpoint @"update" h1 1_800_000
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

This will allow Wallet 1 to collect the fees. The oracle value didn’t actually need to change for this to happen.

Wallets 3 and 4 now issues retrieve requests to get back any funds that have not been bought. This will result in no funds being returned because all the swaps have been used.

callEndpoint @"retrieve" h3 ()
callEndpoint @"retrieve" h4 ()
void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 3

And that’s it. So let’s run it in the REPL.

6.5.1. Test in the REPL

Prelude Week06.Oracle.Core> import Week06.Oracle.Test
Prelude Week06.Oracle.Test Week06.Oracle.Core> test

There will be a lot of output.

Let’s look at some key parts. First, slot 3, where the oracle is created. Here we get the oSymbol value that we can use for everything else.

We also see in slot 3 that getOracle is started which will log the value of the oracle, for our information, every slot from now on.

Slot 00003: *** CONTRACT LOG: "started oracle Oracle {oSymbol = 6122edd57c938cda24066f434da9aee55120b4eb362d4a1bd37547ef6e4a6cbb, oOperator = 21fe31dfa154a261626bf854046fd2271b7bed4b6abe45aa58877ef47f9721b9, oFee = 1000000, oAsset = (ff,\"USDT\")}"
Slot 00003: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Sending contract state to Thread 0
Slot 00003: *** USER LOG: Oracle {oSymbol = 6122edd57c938cda24066f434da9aee55120b4eb362d4a1bd37547ef6e4a6cbb, oOperator = 21fe31dfa154a261626bf854046fd2271b7bed4b6abe45aa58877ef47f9721b9, oFee = 1000000, oAsset = (ff,"USDT")}
Slot 00003: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001 {Contract instance for wallet 2}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00003: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "update"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Number 1500000.0)]))])
Slot 00003: W1: TxSubmit: 93fab1c0845a5b96863a50d248fa2de68bd6702185e3de92ae0c58b869569909
Slot 00003: TxnValidate 93fab1c0845a5b96863a50d248fa2de68bd6702185e3de92ae0c58b869569909

And, in slot 4, we see the first value that getOracle finds is 1,500,000.

Slot 00004: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Oracle value: 1500000"
Slot 00004: *** CONTRACT LOG: "set initial oracle value to 1500000"

Slot 6 is the result of all the activateContractWallet calls. These do not necessarily appear in the same order as in the code. Notice that Wallet 1 has slightly fewer Ada than the other wallets. This is because Wallet 1 started the oracle and needed to pay transaction fees for that.

Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000002 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000003 {Contract instance for wallet 3}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000004 {Contract instance for wallet 4}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",99999970),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000005 {Contract instance for wallet 5}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",100000000),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000006 {Contract instance for wallet 3}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",100000000),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000007 {Contract instance for wallet 4}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",100000000),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000008 {Contract instance for wallet 5}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00006: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Oracle value: 1500000"
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000006 {Contract instance for wallet 3}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "offer"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Number 1.0e7)]))])
Slot 00006: W3: TxSubmit: 8274315b83fb8b4d721146a75772cf39be3f96730557bd6021235864f0f37bc6
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000007 {Contract instance for wallet 4}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "offer"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Number 2.0e7)]))])
Slot 00006: W4: TxSubmit: 221f86cc1d6087a5967793aaf9eb078d8ec0677b2d6aca586f985f6f2c57a100
Slot 00006: TxnValidate 221f86cc1d6087a5967793aaf9eb078d8ec0677b2d6aca586f985f6f2c57a100
Slot 00006: TxnValidate 8274315b83fb8b4d721146a75772cf39be3f96730557bd6021235864f0f37bc6

In slot 7, the offers of 10 Ada and 20 Ada are made.

Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",99999970),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "offered 10000000 lovelace for swap"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",89999990),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "offered 20000000 lovelace for swap"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",79999990),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",100000000),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00007: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Oracle value: 1500000"

In slot 9, the first use is requested.

And in slot 10, we see the swap happen.

Slot 00010: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",99999970),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00010: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",89999990),(ff,\"USDT\",100000000)]"
Slot 00010: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",79999990),(ff,\"USDT\",130000000)]"
Slot 00010: *** CONTRACT LOG: "made swap with price [(ff,\"USDT\",30000000)]"
Slot 00010: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",118999990),(ff,\"USDT\",70000000)]"

The oracle gets and update request in slot 12.

Slot 00012: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "update"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Number 1700000.0)]))])
Slot 00012: W1: TxSubmit: ff7e1fbfb51897b100dcfdf551ad9a03886432af0a9fa92ff8dd986a0f7c90fe
Slot 00012: TxnValidate ff7e1fbfb51897b100dcfdf551ad9a03886432af0a9fa92ff8dd986a0f7c90fe

And we see it happen in slot 13.

Slot 00013: *** CONTRACT LOG: "updated oracle value to 1700000"

The second use request arrives at slot 15.

Slot 00015: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000008 {Contract instance for wallet 5}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "use"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Array [])]))])
Slot 00015: *** CONTRACT LOG: "own funds: [(,\"\",118999990),(ff,\"USDT\",70000000)]"
Slot 00015: *** CONTRACT LOG: "available assets: 70000000"
Slot 00015: *** CONTRACT LOG: "found oracle, exchange rate 1700000"
Slot 00015: W5: TxSubmit: 84bec9a9044eee9c5b40029dca5bbc8346214504e5adb4745bbe6e5d7d96078e
Slot 00015: TxnValidate 84bec9a9044eee9c5b40029dca5bbc8346214504e5adb4745bbe6e5d7d96078e

And the swap happens at slot 16.

Slot 00016: *** CONTRACT LOG: "made swap with price [(ff,\"USDT\",17000000)]"

And at the bottom, we see the final balances.

Wallet 2 still has all its funds. All Wallet 2 has done is the oracle checking, which doesn’t cost anything, as it is purely an off-chain matter.

Wallet 1 paid some transaction fees but ends up with roughly 2 Ada more than it started with. This is because it collected the 2 Ada in fees for the use of the oracle.

Wallets 3 and 4 both made offers, and their balances reflect the exchange rates at which their offers were accepted.

Wallet 5 was the one accepting the offers, and so has the additional Ada, but a reduced USD Token balance. Note that Wallet 5 has also had some fees deducted from its Ada balance.

Final balances
Wallet 1:
    {, ""}: 101999950
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 2:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 3:
    {ff, "USDT"}: 117000000
    {, ""}: 89999990
Wallet 4:
    {ff, "USDT"}: 130000000
    {, ""}: 79999990
Wallet 5:
    {, ""}: 127999980
    {ff, "USDT"}: 53000000
Wallet 6:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 7:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 8:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 9:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000
Wallet 10:
    {, ""}: 100000000
    {ff, "USDT"}: 100000000

And finally, as well as the wallets, we see that the oracle is still going, and still owns the NFT. Note that, in this log, we don’t see the datum value.

Script cc6a43073dce46eebc7b309223904c7a8033ffab7d9b239cf013342d4c69a5d6:
    {6122edd57c938cda24066f434da9aee55120b4eb362d4a1bd37547ef6e4a6cbb, ""}: 1

6.6. Plutus Application Backend

Apart from the idea of how to implement an oracle in Plutus, nothing we have done in this lecture so far is new, except for a few library functions and Haskell techniques. In principle, we are familiar with the way validators are written for off-chain code and how contracts are written for on-chain code, and how we can test our code with the EmulatorTrace monad.

But now we will talk about something new - the Plutus Application Backend (PAB), which allows us to take all the stuff we have done and turn it into an executable that runs the contracts.

If the testnet or the mainnet were available with Plutus support, we could deploy such an application, but for now we will need to be happy with a simulated blockchain. But, the process of turning the code into a dApp is practically the same as it would be on a real blockchain.

We need one more tiny module, which is basically just a type definition. It is so small, we can include the entire file contents here.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric      #-}

module Week06.Oracle.PAB
    ( OracleContracts (..)
    ) where

import           Data.Aeson                (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import           Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Pretty (..), viaShow)
import           GHC.Generics              (Generic)
import           Ledger

import qualified Week06.Oracle.Core        as Oracle

data OracleContracts = Init | Oracle CurrencySymbol | Swap Oracle.Oracle
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)

instance Pretty OracleContracts where
    pretty = viaShow

The idea is that it reifies the contract instances that we want to run. We have various contracts, and we want to have a data type where each value of the data type corresponds to a contact that we eventually want to run.

The Init constructor will be used to setup an environment where there is a USD Token available and where the wallets have an initial supply of those.

The Oracle constructor corresponds to the runOracle contract that will start the oracle and provide the update endpoint, and the CurrencySymbol parameter is going to be used for the USD Token.

Finally, the Swap, parameterized by Oracle will be used to run the swap contract, which provides various endpoints like offer, retrieve, use and funds.

We need to put the OracleContracts definition in a separate module because we will use it both from the PAB and also from the front end.

We are going to look at the Cabal file.


In it we have definitions for various executables.

The oracle-pab executable will set up a simulated wallet, initialize all the contracts and setup a web server that allows the outside world to interact with these contracts.

executable oracle-pab
main-is: oracle-pab.hs
hs-source-dirs:      app
ghc-options:         -Wall -threaded
build-depends:       aeson
                   , base ^>=
                   , freer-extras
                   , freer-simple
                   , plutus-contract
                   , plutus-ledger
                   , plutus-pab
                   , plutus-pioneer-program-week06
                   , plutus-use-cases
                   , text

The oracle-client executable will be run by the oracle provider, so that will interact with the runOracle contract. It will also fetch exchange rates from the internet and feed them into the system.

executable oracle-client
main-is: oracle-client.hs
hs-source-dirs:      app
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-depends:       base ^>=
                   , bytestring
                   , regex-tdfa ^>=
                   , req ^>= 3.9.0
                   , text
                   , uuid

Then there is the swap-client executable that will be run by the clients who want to make use of the swap contract.

executable swap-client
main-is: swap-client.hs
hs-source-dirs:      app
ghc-options:         -Wall
build-depends:       aeson
                   , base ^>=
                   , plutus-ledger
                   , plutus-pab
                   , plutus-pioneer-program-week06
                   , req ^>= 3.9.0
                   , text
                   , uuid

We will look at each of these in turn.

The code for each of these apps can be found in the app directory.


6.6.1. Oracle PAB

First some boilerplate to hook up the data type we just defined - the reified contract instances - with the schemas and contracts that we defined earlier.

handleOracleContracts ::
    ( Member (Error PABError) effs
    , Member (LogMsg (PABMultiAgentMsg (Builtin OracleContracts))) effs
    => ContractEffect (Builtin OracleContracts)
    ~> Eff effs
handleOracleContracts = handleBuiltin getSchema getContract where
    getSchema = \case
        Init     -> endpointsToSchemas @Empty
        Oracle _ -> endpointsToSchemas @(Oracle.OracleSchema .\\ BlockchainActions)
        Swap _   -> endpointsToSchemas @(Oracle.SwapSchema   .\\ BlockchainActions)
    getContract = \case
        Init        -> SomeBuiltin   initContract
        Oracle cs   -> SomeBuiltin $ Oracle.runOracle $ oracleParams cs
        Swap oracle -> SomeBuiltin $ Oracle.swap oracle

Init won’t have any schema, so it just has BlockChainActions. Oracle uses the OracleSchema and Swap uses the SwapSchema. No surprise there.

Init will run the initContract, which we will see in a moment.

Oracle will run the runOracle contract with oracleParams which takes the currency symbol of the USD Token and defines example oracle params.

oracleParams :: CurrencySymbol -> Oracle.OracleParams
oracleParams cs = Oracle.OracleParams
    { Oracle.opFees   = 1_000_000
    , Oracle.opSymbol = cs
    , Oracle.opToken  = usdt

And finally Swap will run our swap contract with an oracle value.

Here is some more copy/paste boilerplate.

handlers :: SimulatorEffectHandlers (Builtin OracleContracts)
handlers =
    Simulator.mkSimulatorHandlers @(Builtin OracleContracts) []
    $ interpret handleOracleContracts

And here is the initContract function we mentioned just a moment ago.

initContract :: Contract (Last CurrencySymbol) BlockchainActions Text ()
initContract = do
    ownPK <- pubKeyHash <$> ownPubKey
    cur   <-
        mapError (pack . show)
        (Currency.forgeContract ownPK [(usdt, fromIntegral (length wallets) * amount)]
        :: Contract (Last CurrencySymbol) BlockchainActions Currency.CurrencyError Currency.OneShotCurrency)
    let cs = Currency.currencySymbol cur
        v  = Value.singleton cs usdt amount
    forM_ wallets $ \w -> do
        let pkh = pubKeyHash $ walletPubKey w
        when (pkh /= ownPK) $ do
            tx <- submitTx $ mustPayToPubKey pkh v
            awaitTxConfirmed $ txId tx
    tell $ Last $ Just cs
    amount :: Integer
    amount = 100_000_000

The initContract function mints USD Tokens and distributes them to the wallets, then it tells the currency symbol for the USD Token.

The wallets are hardcoded earlier in the code. The number of wallets and the tokens given to them are completely arbitrary.

wallets :: [Wallet]
wallets = [Wallet i | i <- [1 .. 5]]

Now we can look at the actual PAB code.

For the first time, we see a main function, which is the entry point for the executable.

main :: IO ()
main = void $ Simulator.runSimulationWith handlers $ do
    Simulator.logString @(Builtin OracleContracts) "Starting Oracle PAB webserver. Press enter to exit."
    shutdown <- PAB.Server.startServerDebug

    cidInit <- Simulator.activateContract (Wallet 1) Init
    cs      <- waitForLast cidInit
    _       <- Simulator.waitUntilFinished cidInit

    cidOracle <- Simulator.activateContract (Wallet 1) $ Oracle cs
    liftIO $ writeFile "oracle.cid" $ show $ unContractInstanceId cidOracle
    oracle <- waitForLast cidOracle

    forM_ wallets $ \w ->
        when (w /= Wallet 1) $ do
            cid <- Simulator.activateContract w $ Swap oracle
            liftIO $ writeFile ('W' : show (getWallet w) ++ ".cid") $ show $ unContractInstanceId cid

    void $ liftIO getLine

The main function makes use of another monad that we haven’t seen before and is specific to the PAB - the Simulator monad.

The Simulator monad is very similar to the EmulatorTrace monad. In principle it has the same capabilities. You can start contracts on wallets, you can inspect the state using the log, you can call endpoints, and so on.

It is a bit unfortunate that there are two monads for this as they are so similar. The Plutus team plan to align them and maybe turn them into one. So it may not be worth learning the intricacies of the Simulator monad as it will probably change soon.

Similar to the runEmulatorTraceIO, we have runSimulationWith to which we pass the handlers boilerplate.

One significant difference to the EmulatorTrace monad though is that the EmulatorTrace monad was pure code - there were no real world side-effects, no IO involved. In particular there is a pure interpreter runEmulatorTrace that is a pure Haskell function with no side-effects.

Simulator s different - you can do IO. The way it works is using MonadIO, which has one method, liftIO, which takes an IO action and lifts it into the monad in question. So, if you have some arbitrary IO action that you can do in Haskell, then by applying liftIO to it, you can move it into this Simulator monad.

Apart from that, if you squint, it looks very similar to an EmulatorTrace.

The first thing we do is use logString to log that we are starting the PAB server. We then call the startServerDebug function, and the return value of that function which gets bound to shutdown can be used later to shut down the server.

Now we use something called activateContract which is the equivalent of activateContractWallet from the EmulatorTrace monad.

cidInit <- Simulator.activateContract (Wallet 1) Init

It takes a wallet where we want to start that instance, and then a value of the reified contract type. Remember that we associated the Init constructor with the initContract function.

Now we need the currency symbol. This is an example of how we get information out of a contract using tell.

cs <- waitForLast cidInit

The function cidInit uses a function from the Simulator monad called waitForState, which takes a contract instance and a predicate. The predicate gets a JSON expression and returns a Maybe a.

waitForLast :: FromJSON a => ContractInstanceId -> Simulator.Simulation t a
waitForLast cid =
    flip Simulator.waitForState cid $ \json -> case fromJSON json of
        Success (Last (Just x)) -> Just x
        _                       -> Nothing

The idea is that it will read the state of the contract which we wrote using tell. This is serialized as a JSON value, and it applies this JSON value to the provided predicate. If the result is Nothing, it simply waits until the state changes again. But, if it is Just x, it will return the x.

There are two ways it could be Nothing - either the JSON parsing could fail, or we could get a Last Nothing. So, the end result is that the function waits until the state of the contract has told a Just value.

At this point we have the currency symbol bound to cs. And then we wait until initContract has finished.

_ <- Simulator.waitUntilFinished cidInit

The next step is to start the oracle on Wallet 1, using the cs value we have recently obtained.

cidOracle <- Simulator.activateContract (Wallet 1) $ Oracle cs

In order to interact with the oracle contract from the outside world, e.g. from the web interface, we need to get our hands on the cidOracle handle.

So what we do is write this into a file called oracle.cid.

liftIO $ writeFile "oracle.cid" $ show $ unContractInstanceId cidOracle

This is just quick and dirty for the demonstration. In production code you would use a safer mechanism.

Now we use waitForLast again to get the oracle value, which we have provided from the runOracle contract via a tell. We need this because the swap contract is parameterized by this value.

At this stage the NFT is minted and we know what the oracle value is.

Next, we loop over all the wallets, except wallet 1 which runs the oracle, and we activate the swap contract on each of them. Here we use a similar file-writing method to get hold of the contract handles.

forM_ wallets $ \w ->
    when (w /= Wallet 1) $ do
        cid <- Simulator.activateContract w $ Swap oracle
        liftIO $ writeFile ('W' : show (getWallet w) ++ ".cid") $ show $ unContractInstanceId cid

Now we just block until the user presses enter, and then we shutdown the server.

void $ liftIO getLine

It is not actually necessary to do all of this, because you can also start and stop contract instances from the web interface. It was easier for us here to do it in a scripted way for the demo, but in principle you could just start the simulator and then wait until you shutdown.

If you are curious about the API provided by the PAB, you can check that in the plutus-pab package, in the module Plutus.PAB.Webserver.API. There are several, but the one that we are using here is:

-- | PAB client API for contracts of type @t@. Examples of @t@ are
--   * Contract executables that reside in the user's file system
--   * "Builtin" contracts that run in the same process as the PAB (ie. the PAB is compiled & distributed with these contracts)
type NewAPI t walletId -- see note [WalletID type in wallet API]
    = "api" :> "new" :> "contract" :>
        ("activate" :> ReqBody '[ JSON] (ContractActivationArgs t) :> Post '[JSON] ContractInstanceId -- start a new instance
            :<|> "instance" :>
                    (Capture "contract-instance-id" Text :>
                        ( "status" :> Get '[JSON] (ContractInstanceClientState t) -- Current status of contract instance
                        :<|> "endpoint" :> Capture "endpoint-name" String :> ReqBody '[JSON] JSON.Value :> Post '[JSON] () -- Call an endpoint. Make
                        :<|> "stop" :> Put '[JSON] () -- Terminate the instance.
            :<|> "instances" :> "wallet" :> Capture "wallet-id" walletId :> Get '[JSON] [ContractInstanceClientState t]
            :<|> "instances" :> Get '[ JSON] [ContractInstanceClientState t] -- list of all active contract instances
            :<|> "definitions" :> Get '[JSON] [ContractSignatureResponse t] -- list of available contracts

This makes use of the popular Haskell library Servant to write type safe web applications, but it should be readable more or less without knowledge of the Servant library. For example, you can see the /api/new/contract/activate endpoint declared to which you can POST a ContractActivationArgs as its body and returns a ContractInstanceId.

There is also a web socket API, but we have not used that in this example.

So let’s try our executable.

cabal run oracle-pab

We get log output similar to what we see with EmulatorTrace, but this is now a live server.

The output below is reduced to avoid the full verbosity.

[INFO] Slot 0: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
[INFO] Starting Oracle PAB webserver. Press enter to exit.
[INFO] Starting PAB backend server on port: 8080
[INFO] Activated instance dda39c83-5a0f-484f-b49a-9943b1ff5526 on W1
[INFO] Slot 1: W1: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
                       Tx da767478580878690990b3a22387be9c5b27fabed2c0ca7b9991eb682a6781f8:
                           - Value (Map [(,Map [("",1)])]) addressed to
                             addressed to ScriptCredential: e9827f1a9e43109d1c8d4555913734b8c48a467a31061b312959f270850fc8a0 (no staking credential)
                         forge: Value (Map [])
                         fee: Value (Map [(,Map [("",10)])])
                         validity range: Interval {ivFrom = LowerBound NegInf True, ivTo = UpperBound PosInf True}
                     Requires signatures:
[INFO] Slot 1: TxnValidate b7d6ba18d02898aa5d0814a306e4a05cf153c199aabb175ef9b00328105ab98f
[INFO] Slot 2: W1: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
[INFO] Slot 6: TxnValidate d690122263521c37f308a0d5ae858aa4807cb1e493c2a3374bf65b934c74782a
[INFO] Activated instance deceaa52-f117-46bc-b0f1-eb1f2f529b5a on W1
[INFO] Slot 7: W1: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
[INFO] Slot 7: TxnValidate a679948d128735ec1f380e9f733d7f4a5e54c81f39c73a656d61b077111840e1
[INFO] Slot 8: W1: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
[INFO] Slot 8: TxnValidate f0125e685edd6de2d09f9547f53b18d1bad11bd7fad570a057ba74737ab3053e
[INFO] deceaa52-f117-46bc-b0f1-eb1f2f529b5a: "started oracle Oracle {oSymbol = b8a1d67cd94acf75d7e00f27015ec5e31242adad0967eee473f49c5d1d686169, oOperator = 21fe31dfa154a261626bf854046fd2271b7bed4b6abe45aa58877ef47f9721b9, oFee = 1000000, oAsset = (9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,\"USDT\")}"
[INFO] Activated instance 5bac6e67-f956-45ef-b386-f1d045cf5e37 on W2
[INFO] Activated instance 2c3a2794-2592-4c2b-9a7d-9c810cedf886 on W3
[INFO] Activated instance 6f8d611d-a3f6-4794-9048-8ea3201e3c56 on W4
[INFO] Activated instance 387d9651-6024-48c1-a72d-5b3c6d3a6b53 on W5

We can see, for example, where we can find instance IDs of contracts if we want to interact with them via the API.

[INFO] Activated instance deceaa52-f117-46bc-b0f1-eb1f2f529b5a on W1

If we now stop the server and look in the directory, we will see the files where we stored the instance IDs.

[nix-shell:~/git/ada/pioneer-fork/code/week06]$ ls
app            dist-newstyle  LICENSE     plutus-pioneer-program-week06.cabal  W2.cid  W4.cid
cabal.project  hie.yaml       oracle.cid  src                                  W3.cid  W5.cid

[nix-shell:~/git/ada/pioneer-fork/code/week06]$ cat W5.cid

With this information - either obtained from the web server log, or from the files we have created, we could use any HTTP tool such as Curl or Postman to interact with the contracts when the web server is running. By default it runs on port 8080. We could also write code in any programming language we like to interact with the web server using the HTTP endpoints.

We will now briefly look at the oracle-client and the swap-client. We won’t go into too much detail because we are not so interested in how to write a front end here.

6.6.2. Oracle Client

We use the Haskell library Req to interact with the web server.

We first read the oracle.cid file to get the oracle instance ID. Then we have a recursive function go.

The function go looks up the current exchange rate on CoinMarketCap, checks whether that has changed, and, if it has change, it calls updateOracle which calls the update oracle endpoint on our contract. And, whether or not a change is detected, it waits for an arbitrary five seconds, and then goes again.

The length of the delay would depend on things such as that rate cap imposed by CoinMarketCap. In reality, as blocks on Cardano only appear every twenty seconds, five seconds is probably too short.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    uuid <- read <$> readFile "oracle.cid"
    putStrLn $ "oracle contract instance id: " ++ show uuid
    go uuid Nothing
    go :: UUID -> Maybe Integer -> IO a
    go uuid m = do
        x <- getExchangeRate
        let y = Just x
        when (m /= y) $
            updateOracle uuid x
        threadDelay 5_000_000
        go uuid y

Now, the updateOracle function prepares an POST request using the oracle instance ID and a JSON body containing the exchange rate.

updateOracle :: UUID -> Integer -> IO ()
updateOracle uuid x = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
    v <- req
        (http "" /: "api"  /: "new" /: "contract" /: "instance" /: pack (show uuid) /: "endpoint" /: "update")
        (ReqBodyJson x)
        (Proxy :: Proxy (JsonResponse ()))
        (port 8080)
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ if responseStatusCode v == 200
        then "updated oracle to " ++ show x
        else "error updating oracle"

And here is the getExchangeRate function which is a quick and dirty way of getting the exchange rate from CoinMarketCap. They provide a proper API, but here we are just doing some screen scraping from the web page and using a regex to extract the value we are interested in. This is, of course, very fragile, and could never be used as production code.

getExchangeRate :: IO Integer
getExchangeRate = runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
    v <- req
        (https "coinmarketcap.com" /: "currencies" /: "cardano")
    let priceRegex      = "priceValue___11gHJ\">\\$([\\.0-9]*)" :: ByteString
        (_, _, _, [bs]) = responseBody v =~ priceRegex :: (ByteString, ByteString, ByteString, [ByteString])
        d               = read $ unpack bs :: Double
        x               = round $ 1_000_000 * d
    liftIO $ putStrLn $ "queried exchange rate: " ++ show d
    return x

Let us run it.

First we need to make sure the PAB is running.

cabal run oracle-pab

Then, in another terminal

cabal run oracle-client
queried exchange rate: 1.54
updated oracle to 1540000
queried exchange rate: 1.54

We can see the exchange rate that it has obtained from CoinMarketCap, and its request to update the oracle.

And if we wait long enough, we see

queried exchange rate: 1.55
updated oracle to 1550000
queried exchange rate: 1.55

And we see that we are mooning.

If you switch back to the PAB, you will also see additional log messages.

[INFO] Slot 16: W1: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
    Tx c5b384f75f93ebc8f1e6b514237aa70d0d982e9b035eececa27af0b3e72568e4:
        - Value (Map [(b8a1d67cd94acf75d7e00f27015ec5e31242adad0967eee473f49c5d1d686169,Map [("",1)])]) addressed to
            addressed to ScriptCredential: 04a718132f7ca493a011c40926e191a76bd84cbf8e7c14b6c99bbea8b8bc0bba (no staking credential)
        forge: Value (Map [])
        fee: Value (Map [(,Map [("",10)])])
        validity range: Interval {ivFrom = LowerBound NegInf True, ivTo = UpperBound PosInf True}
    Requires signatures:
[INFO] Slot 16: TxnValidate 40c5dbb5e7c8de390a6943d8f0a84d218cf86dd81af1fd7cfc62612e6b616c2c
[INFO] 5d9d778e-55f9-45ab-89a6-2ba9aa18045e: "set initial oracle value to 1540000"

6.6.3. Swap Client

The swap client is very similar.

Here, we are just giving a simple console interface, so we didn’t bother with graphics or a nice web UI.

main :: IO ()
main = do
    [i :: Int] <- map read <$> getArgs
    uuid       <- read <$> readFile ('W' : show i ++ ".cid")
    hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
    putStrLn $ "swap contract instance id for Wallet " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show uuid
    go uuid
    go :: UUID -> IO a
    go uuid = do
        cmd <- readCommand
        case cmd of
            Offer amt -> offer uuid amt
            Retrieve  -> retrieve uuid
            Use       -> use uuid
            Funds     -> getFunds uuid
        go uuid

    readCommand :: IO Command
    readCommand = do
        putStr "enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): "
        s <- getLine
        maybe readCommand return $ readMaybe s

The idea is to take a command from the console and the call the appropriate endpoint.

case cmd of
    Offer amt -> offer uuid amt
    Retrieve  -> retrieve uuid
    Use       -> use uuid
    Funds     -> getFunds uuid

The endpoint calling uses the same method for each endpoint, creating an HTTP call in the same way that we did for the oracle client.

The getFunds function is slightly more complicated than the other three as it needs to get information out of the server. For this it needs to make two requests. The second request is to read the state that was told by the first call.

getFunds :: UUID -> IO ()
getFunds uuid = handle h $ runReq defaultHttpConfig $ do
    v <- req
        (http "" /: "api"  /: "new" /: "contract" /: "instance" /: pack (show uuid) /: "endpoint" /: "funds")
        (ReqBodyJson ())
        (Proxy :: Proxy (JsonResponse ()))
        (port 8080)
    if responseStatusCode v /= 200
        then liftIO $ putStrLn "error getting funds"
        else do
            w <- req
                (http "" /: "api"  /: "new" /: "contract" /: "instance" /: pack (show uuid) /: "status")
                (Proxy :: Proxy (JsonResponse (ContractInstanceClientState OracleContracts)))
                (port 8080)
            liftIO $ putStrLn $ case fromJSON $ observableState $ cicCurrentState $ responseBody w of
                Success (Last (Just f)) -> "funds: " ++ show (flattenValue f)
                _                       -> "error decoding state"
    h :: HttpException -> IO ()
    h _ = threadDelay 1_000_000 >> getFunds uuid

Let’s run the swap client. We will leave the web server and the oracle client running.

When using cabal, we pass parameters in following a . For the swap client we pass the wallet number in as a parameter.

We will launch the swap client for wallets 2 and 3, each in a separate window, and query their respective funds.

cabal run swap-client -- 2

swap contract instance id for Wallet 2: ab65f248-450d-4988-ab2a-651ad5697596
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",100000000),(,"",100000000)]
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds):
cabal run swap-client -- 3

swap contract instance id for Wallet 3: 2dc4f6f2-142e-40a2-a1b8-c431eb29a3a2
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",100000000),(,"",100000000)]
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds):

Wallet 2 now offers 10 Ada as a swap, and we check the funds, and we see that the Ada balance has gone down (by the 10 Ada plus the transaction fee), but the USD Token balance remains the same.

enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Offer 10000000
offered swap of 10000000 lovelace
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",100000000),(,"",89999990)]

While these commands are running, you can also see the calls being made in the PAB output.

INFO] Slot 1662: TxnValidate 17f640f03e4dc7d0a4c246129454aa19daa8d9d674bfebeeee486d6143c6648e
[INFO] ab65f248-450d-4988-ab2a-651ad5697596: "offered 10000000 lovelace for swap"
[INFO] ab65f248-450d-4988-ab2a-651ad5697596: "own funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,\"USDT\",100000000),(,\"\",89999990)]"

Now, Wallet 3 is going to take up the offer of the swap.

enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Use
used swap
enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",100000000),(,"",100000000)]

It takes a little while for the funds to update, so let’s try the Funds command again.

enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",84400000),(,"",108999990)]

That’s better. And we can see that wallet 3 has received the 10 Ada, minus the oracle fee of 1 Ada and minus the transaction fees.

In the PAB output, we see something like

[INFO] Slot 1868: TxnValidate 00afd25af063d58b4f290e43057f4738483098f26ff0134bc14c9d54b9b94090
[INFO] 2dc4f6f2-142e-40a2-a1b8-c431eb29a3a2: "made swap with price [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,\"USDT\",15600000)]"
[INFO] 2dc4f6f2-142e-40a2-a1b8-c431eb29a3a2: "own funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,\"USDT\",84400000),(,\"\",108999990)]"

Let’s look at wallet 2’s funds.

enter command (Offer amt, Retrieve, Use or Funds): Funds
funds: [(9a91216e55e5369b926acc07c70a11d9ae7fef454e43e3e5c0aa1733f48c798a,"USDT",115600000),(,"",89999990)]

And we see that wallet 2 has lost some Ada, but gained some USD Tokens. The swap is complete, using the exchange rate as it is live, right now, which was injected into the mock blockchain via the oracle.

So now we have seen an end-to-end example of a Plutus dApp. It has a front end, it talks to the outside world, goes on the internet, gets information and interacts with Plutus smart contracts. The smart contracts submit transactions to the blockchain where the validation logic kicks in and makes sure that everything follows the business rules.

In this example, as we have no real blockchain to play with, all wallets use the same PAB server, which, of course, in real life would be silly. Obviously, different wallets will have different instances of PAB running.

But, apart from that, it is almost exactly, end-to-end, how such a system would work.