3. AlwaysSucceeds Script


These instructions should work as presented if you have followed the AWS Node Setup section and the Wallets and Funds sections. If not, you may need to improvise a little.

Plutus scripts get compiled down to the following format.

    "type": "PlutusScriptV1",
    "description": "",
    "cborHex": "4e4d01000033222220051200120011"

This is the AlwaysSucceeds.plutus script whose validator always succeeds, which means that anyone will be able to consume any UTxO sitting at its address. The script can be found in the /data/plutus-scripts/scripts directory.

3.1. Pay to the Script

Using the payToScript.sh helper script, you can send 99000000 lovelace from wallet1 to the AlwaysSucceeds.plutus script with a datum of 6666, allowing for fees of 200000.

The helper script payToScript.sh constructs a transaction, and, as one of its inputs, it reads the AlwaysSucceeds.plutus file in the scripts directory.

./payToScript.sh 99000000 AlwaysSucceeds 6666 wallet1

TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
bd7422ef2cd55d1c5a33601a3b75b080bc3742856e5ddb8dfdfae07f583c7af1     0        1000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
TX row number: 1
Transaction successfully submitted.

The payToScript.sh script wraps the following commands.

$CARDANO_CLI transaction build \
    --tx-in ${SELECTED_UTXO} \
    --tx-out ${TO_ADDR}+${PAYMENT} \
    --tx-out-datum-hash ${DATUM_HASH} \
    --change-address=${FROM_ADDR} \
    --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
    --out-file tx.build \

$CARDANO_CLI transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.build \
    --signing-key-file ./wallets/${SELECTED_WALLET_NAME}.skey \
    --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
    --out-file tx.signed \

$CARDANO_CLI transaction submit --tx-file tx.signed --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

Check that the funds arrive in the script using the contractBalance.sh script. You may see a lot of UTxOs sitting at the AlwaysSucceeds script address and hopefully one of them will be yours.

The UTxOs at this address are now locked in the sense that they are guarded by a validator. The script address is the hash of the validator.

./contractBalance.sh AlwaysSucceeds

TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
063a62b69e51296417687077f8df67f1b2fe1568830ad56fb0f04d22739e69e2     0        5000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "b7a4cc0f36854309590c132e75dad06a4f6045e57ac93e6dafc9bf0d0018247d"
44412566ec42af806660fe9846a71b50eae1b7028116a3d666cab3ba1f02d7ee     0        1000000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
56382a3e1789df882114b2322787f1785eac71b19675ee88fd1dc6ca807ddc02     0        999888777 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"
843f4ffa4aafc5ed968d0a9f0fb8a203796b66327343246bfd8d4ca1d361c2f8     0        99000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"
8657ff66828f90ab7d45fb2e9f10286d9887f49bc83f7cf3d7b45e8fd1068aaf     0        10000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e1199a988ba72ffd6e9c269cadb3b53b5f360ff99f112d9b2ee30c4d74ad88b"
8c5f24a4eee17773d2ddef2ee1493248b1c45c56e6851d6f330deee1dc23a21f     0        1010011010 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "915e807fa63409181d1533195753e3170587b1edc089be670ab483da8f9bcd48"
8f75351368cc2521315ac9908f0532a00e996e35644cbd9db4d616a7122c7491     0        979199655182 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
f441da5a5f04ee6057a98650bf4c2a4931906e37acfd2d705cb208eda48cef92     0        10000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "df5078aee07dd171a343fb99d5fc1b5462fb3c94d82bf72dc1b77d9c0aceec29"

The contractBalance.sh script is an extension of the balance.sh. It just has the extra step of determining the address of the contract.

In this case, the balance of UTxO number 4 is 99000000 and the datum hash is 9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710. We can check that this is the correct datum hash.

$CARDANO_CLI transaction hash-script-data --script-data-value 6666

If there are too many, you could use grep to filter out the ones with the correct balance.

./contractBalance.sh AlwaysSucceeds | grep 99000000
843f4ffa4aafc5ed968d0a9f0fb8a203796b66327343246bfd8d4ca1d361c2f8     0        99000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"

3.2. Unlock the Funds in the Script

When trying to consume UTxOs locked in a script, you need to provide collateral that will cover the costs if validation fails. For this we can use a separate wallet for storing collateral UTxOs, to keep things tidy. One of the several wallets we created earlier on was named fees, which we will use for fees and for collateral.

Under normal circumstances, collateral should never be lost because the wallet can perform validation in a deterministic fashion and only submit the transaction if validation is guaranteed to pass.

./sendFromWallet.sh main

                        TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
bd7422ef2cd55d1c5a33601a3b75b080bc3742856e5ddb8dfdfae07f583c7af1     1        998999800000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
TX row number: 1
Lovelace to send: 100000000000
Receiving wallet name: fees
Transaction successfully submitted.

We should wait a few moments and then check that it’s arrived in our fees wallet.

./balance.sh fees
                        TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
7678d8d6b95ed026d7c690fb53419bdaa580cb00c56450ac3bd97712dd71ca4e     0        1000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone

The following command will try to get the UTxO from the script using a datum of 6666, which is the correct datum. The 42 is an arbitrary value for the redeemer, but this value is ignored here.

./getFromScript.sh AlwaysSucceeds 6666 42 wallet1
Select Script UTxO
TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
063a62b69e51296417687077f8df67f1b2fe1568830ad56fb0f04d22739e69e2     0        5000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "b7a4cc0f36854309590c132e75dad06a4f6045e57ac93e6dafc9bf0d0018247d"
44412566ec42af806660fe9846a71b50eae1b7028116a3d666cab3ba1f02d7ee     0        1000000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
56382a3e1789df882114b2322787f1785eac71b19675ee88fd1dc6ca807ddc02     0        999888777 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"
843f4ffa4aafc5ed968d0a9f0fb8a203796b66327343246bfd8d4ca1d361c2f8     0        99000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"
8657ff66828f90ab7d45fb2e9f10286d9887f49bc83f7cf3d7b45e8fd1068aaf     0        10000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e1199a988ba72ffd6e9c269cadb3b53b5f360ff99f112d9b2ee30c4d74ad88b"
8c5f24a4eee17773d2ddef2ee1493248b1c45c56e6851d6f330deee1dc23a21f     0        1010011010 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "915e807fa63409181d1533195753e3170587b1edc089be670ab483da8f9bcd48"
8f75351368cc2521315ac9908f0532a00e996e35644cbd9db4d616a7122c7491     0        979199655182 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
f441da5a5f04ee6057a98650bf4c2a4931906e37acfd2d705cb208eda48cef92     0        10000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "df5078aee07dd171a343fb99d5fc1b5462fb3c94d82bf72dc1b77d9c0aceec29"

TX row number: 4
Select Collateral UTxO
Wallet Name: fees
                           TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
7678d8d6b95ed026d7c690fb53419bdaa580cb00c56450ac3bd97712dd71ca4e     0        1000000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHashNone
TX row number: 1

Transaction successfully submitted.

The getFromScript.sh script wraps the following commands.

$CARDANO_CLI query protocol-parameters --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM > params.json

$CARDANO_CLI transaction build \
    --tx-in ${COLLATERAL_TX} \
    --tx-in ${SCRIPT_UTXO} \
    --tx-in-datum-value "${DATUM_VALUE}" \
    --tx-in-redeemer-value "${REDEEMER_VALUE}" \
    --tx-in-script-file $SCRIPT_FILE \
    --tx-in-collateral=${COLLATERAL_TX} \
    --change-address=${FEE_ADDR} \
    --tx-out ${TO_ADDR}+${PAYMENT} \
    --tx-out-datum-hash ${DATUM_HASH} \
    --out-file tx.build \
    --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
    --protocol-params-file "params.json" \

$CARDANO_CLI transaction sign \
    --tx-body-file tx.build \
    --signing-key-file ./wallets/${SIGNING_WALLET}.skey \
    --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM \
    --out-file tx.signed \

$CARDANO_CLI transaction submit --tx-file tx.signed --testnet-magic $TESTNET_MAGIC_NUM

Let’s check that it arrived in wallet1 as expected.

./balance.sh wallet1

TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount
ee22529028220bb2d2cbda634fbe982602afd5baf7f173341e2c8f9157e2912d     1        99000000 lovelace + TxOutDatumHash ScriptDataInAlonzoEra "9e478573ab81ea7a8e31891ce0648b81229f408d596a3483e6f4f9b92d3cf710"